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best dental movies, dental movies, all time favorite dental movies, Shubham dental clinic Hisar

Lights, Camera, Action! Exploring the Dentist’s Chair Through the Lens of Cinema

To my esteemed colleagues and fellow dental friends, if you are bored with your hectic schedule and want some entertainment then the list of a few wonderful dental movies is for you. As we meticulously care for the health of our patients, it’s easy to get lost in the world of drills, x-rays, and root …

Lights, Camera, Action! Exploring the Dentist’s Chair Through the Lens of Cinema Read More »

Menopause and oral health-essential knowledge for every women

Menopause and Oral Health- Essential knowledge for every woman

Menopause means changes in your weight, sex drive, mood, and also your dental health. Menopause, a significant phase of a woman’s life, marks the end of her reproductive years and the beginning of a new chapter. Hot flushes, difficulty sleeping, and mood swings are common and widely-known symptoms you might expect to experience during menopause. …

Menopause and Oral Health- Essential knowledge for every woman Read More »

Oral cancer awareness month-early detection, prevention and treatment-Shubham dental clinic Hisar

Oral cancer awareness month: Early detection, prevention, and treatment

April of each year is Oral Cancer Awareness Month. It’s an effort from our side to raise public awareness about oral cancer through this blog. We are going to discuss Keep reading this article to learn more about oral cancer during this awareness month to make the most of it. It is more important than …

Oral cancer awareness month: Early detection, prevention, and treatment Read More »