What is Zirconia crown?

Zirconia crown is a metal-free crown made from Zirconium dioxide, a white powdered ceramic material. Zirconia crowns and bridges are worn to improve the appearance of disfigured, stained, decayed, or missing teeth. Its ceramic properties and the fact that is milled from a single block make it a strong dental prosthetic. These naturally perfect restorations can meet the over-exceeding demands of the patient, and that makes them the treatment of choice today.
Which is better, Zirconia or porcelain?
Zirconia crowns are chosen over conventional PFM crowns or gold crowns due to the following reasons-
Excellent aesthetics- Zirconia crowns are translucent in appearance and look like almost natural teeth. They are difficult to distinguish amongst natural teeth as the shade of the tooth is matched accurately. Zirconia is metal-free, so it prevents darkening around the gingival area.
Superior strength- They are at least three times stronger than porcelain or PFM restorations.
Durability– Unlike porcelain, Zirconia can withstand wear and tear without chipping, which is why zirconia restorations tolerate extreme chewing and bruxism.
Thinner– The strength of Zirconia allows for far thinner dental crowns than those made with metals.
Less plaque accumulation– Smooth surface of zirconia crowns helps to reduce plaque accumulation. It also promotes a healthy tissue response.
Safe-They are compatible with the human body as they are metal-free crowns. There is no fear of the body rejecting zirconia or allergic reaction to it.
Comfortable – Zirconia crowns are very comfortable as they do not transmit hot and cold in the same way as conventional PFM restorations.
Are there any disadvantages of Zirconia crowns?
There are minimal disadvantages of Zirconia crowns. The friction against the opposing tooth surface can damage the opposing teeth. Frequent check-ups can prevent this damage.
How is the Zirconia or metal-free crown fitted?
The process is similar to other dental crowns. It involves two steps:
Preparation (first step)
Fitting of the crown (second step)
The first step involves the assessment and measurement of the affected tooth. Your dentist will discuss the whole procedure with you. The affected tooth is firstly cleaned and then reshaped with a small drill which reduces its size.
A small layer of the tooth is removed and given the perfect shape under local anesthesia so that crown can fit on the tooth.
A mold is made with dental putty and bites registration is done which is sent to the dental laboratory for the fabrication of Zirconia crown.
The second stage is where the new crown is fitted on the tooth. The tooth surface is roughened and prepared which increases the bond between crown and tooth.
The dentist will check the appearance and fit of the crown before cementing it into position.
It is then given a final polish and the crown is cemented on your tooth.
A Zirconia crown must be taken care of just like your natural teeth.
The Bottomline
Most dentists are switching from the conventional PFM crowns towards zirconia crowns due to their high-class esthetics and durability. Currently, Zirconia is becoming the most popular material for making dental crowns and bridges and those old-style restorations are becoming a thing of the past. If you want to know everything about all types of crowns and bridges, read more
If you are looking for Zirconia crowns and bridges, we are here to assist you if you wish to discuss the case in detail.