Tooth extraction or dental extraction is the removal of the tooth from its socket. When the tooth has been damaged and can’t be saved by doing filling, RCT, or any other dental treatment then it becomes necessary to get it removed or extracted.

Other reasons for a tooth extraction-
  • Loose teeth if they can’t be saved even with bone grafting.
  • Milk teeth if they don’t fall in time so that permanent teeth can come in the right place.
  • People getting dental braces treatment may need the extraction to create the space for the correction of malocclusion.
  • Some people have extra teeth which need to be removed if it is blocking the other tooth from coming at right place.
  • During radiation therapy of the head and neck. If a tooth is coming in the path of radiation then it is extracted.
  • If a tooth becomes a source of infection after an organ transplant then it has to be removed.
  • Third molars or wisdom teeth need to be removed if they are decayed or causing pain, swelling, or have a cyst or infection.


Complete medical history is taken and a thorough diagnosis is made. X-rays are taken if it is needed. The tooth is removed by following the principles of painless dentistry.

A local anesthetic is given to numb the area and painless extraction is done with the help of dental instruments called forceps and elevators. Sutures are given in a few cases.

Extraction can be performed of a single tooth or multiple teeth in one sitting. Postoperative instructions are given and the patient is called for follow-up as per individual needs or after 7 days for suture removal.


Recovery will take a few days after the extraction of tooth or teeth. Following measures will help in a speedy recovery, less discomfort, and minimize the chances of infection.

  • Bite firmly on the gauze piece placed on the extraction site for one hour to allow the formation of a blood clot.
  • Apply an ice pack in the area to reduce the chances of swelling.
  • After removing the gauze, eat or drink something cold like ice cream, etc.
  • Do not drink with a straw for the first 24 hrs.
  • Take painkillers as prescribed by the dentist.
  • Avoid rinsing or spitting forcefully for 24 hours.
  • Eat a cold and soft diet for 24 hours.
  • Do not smoke as it will inhibit healing.
  • Do warm saline rinses after 24 hours.
  • Continue to brush and floss your teeth but take care to avoid the extraction site.


It is normal to feel some pain after the effect of anesthesia wears off. Some swelling and sight bleeding is also expected even after 24 hrs of tooth extraction. But if you are having severe pain and bleeding even after 4 hours of extraction, you should call your dentist. You should also call your dentist if you are having nausea, vomiting, fever, or any other sign of infection.

The healing period after dental extractions usually takes one to two weeks and gradually new bone and gum tissue will heal the extraction socket and fill the gap. The remaining teeth can shift in the created gap and can affect the bite and capacity of chewing food. Due to this reason, your dentist can advise you to replace missing tooth or teeth with, implant, denture, or a fixed bridge.

Visit Shubham dental clinic for dental extractions or wisdom tooth removal.